Veise Actively Participates in the Love Donation for Guangzhou Epidemic Prevention and Control

Editor:veise-admin Time:2021-12-22 16:39:40 Hits:

On December 15, an outbreak of imported cases from abroad suddenly occurred in Huadu District, Guangzhou. Staff working on all fronts of the district's epidemic prevention and control directly faced the risk and worked day and night on the front line, making every effort to ensure the daily life and economic stability of the people in Huadu District.

In order to further serve the living needs of residents in the sealed-off and controlled areas, Guangzhou Veise Electronics Co., Ltd. actively and proactively responded to the call for epidemic prevention. Entrusted by Chairman Yan Yongping, the person in charge of the company's management department urgently purchased materials, and transported instant noodles, eight-treasure porridge, peanut oil, rice, cakes, biscuits, and other materials to the epidemic field command post in Xinhua Street, Huadu District, to help the orderly progress of epidemic prevention and control in Huadu District.